Enjoy comfortable environment while getting better in what You like to do

We are absolutely sure You are going to like our app colours! It is specially chosen for long time studying needs. Nice fresh blue color is just eyes friendly. Therefore you can use this app without any problems for hours everyday.
The more you'll work with it the more you're gonna love it. You'll see your exam resulsts will get better and more consistent in a short period of time.
The most important fact is that you'll memorize all the knowledge you've learned.
Dont worry, in case you forget something you can rerun one of your memorized exams in order to
refresh your memory. Everyone can use iStudyExam from young to old. It's designed for all needs.

Create single or multiple answers, with no limitations at all

We designed iStudyExam to have all possibilities that you will encounter in your Exams. You can
create single or multiple answers. Multiple questions can have as many correct or incorrect
answers as you wish.

At any time you can preview your current test database, and you can edit or update your answers with ease. At any specific moment you can start the test you are currently adding questions, simply by clicking on Launch test rocket icon.

When the time comes, show the best you can

Before you even begin, select weather you like to see your questions at the order you entered them, or you prefer seeing them randomized for better checking your knowledge. Also make sure you specified time you want to have for selected test. If you leave it by default, you will have all your time to finish it.

Analyze results just after the last question

When you complete your test, you will be presented with test results. Analyze your current success, check where exactly did you make it wrong, and make sure you dont make the same mistake again. Future updates will include:
-Exporting current test results and sharing them

Check your statistics from a time to time to check your progress

There are 2 types of statistics: -Statistics for performed test -Overall statistics of all performed tests You'll see how many times you've runned specific test and your average results based on correct and incorrect answers. So you can always monitor your progress on the fly, and it stays memorized in your application. Why is iStudyExam the new and much better way of learning? Imagine creating tests in realtime while lecture is performed, instead of writing infinite pages, and in no time your new exam platform is created. After that you can practice while you're driving in a bus, train, in your house or anywhere you wish. For this part of operations, you will never be forced to have internet connection all the time. Just think about gathering your knowledge inside your head, and for the rest leave it to the iStudyExam.